Food & Beverage
Your Mobile Automation Team for Food and Beverage
Rocrich is your mobile automation team for the food and beverage industry in North America.
The food and beverage (F&B) industry encompasses a wide variety of activities essential to feeding society. It is primarily divided into two segments: production and distribution. We are mostly concerned with the processing of raw foodstuffs into consumable products like meats, cheeses, drinks, alcoholic beverages, packaged foods and many other products. The second segment, distribution, must then deliver food to consumers through complex networks with logistical challenges before eventually ending up on people’s tables, with consumers often expecting the food to look fresh off the vine. No matter where you sit in the food and beverage manufacturing and supply chain, Rocrich offers AGVs to support your operation.
The Task of Delivering Food
The monumental and critical task of delivering food to consumers is incredibly challenging. Beyond the concerns that all businesses face, such an unstable labor market or the need for an array of highly specific processes, you must contend with extremely strict regulations (that can often quickly change), raw materials that can expire and thus require complete traceability, changing consumer requirements for the type and freshness of the food they eat and (perhaps most importantly) the existential need to reduce waste and maximize efficiency (especially speed) as much as humanly possible. To meet these challenges, you’ll require a flexible set of solutions that can handle a complex and varied materials-handling situation. You need a team of automation specialists who understand your challenges and are ready with proven solutions and technology to help you achieve your business goals and meet your specific needs.

Automated Guided Vehicles
Unlike human workers, AGVs never misplace loads or become distracted. They operate with a precision unencumbered by the potential for human error. Spoilage of raw materials due to lost or misplaced loads will become a thing of the past. Materials are delivered on schedule with a predictable and dependable regularity, ensuring that foodstuffs are as fresh as possible and waste due to spoilage is as limited as possible. Rocrich mobile robots are able to execute precise high stacking and offer single-double attachments.

Your Partner in Automation
By partnering in automation with Rocrich, you receive not only proven, dependable AGVs—designed and built by Jungheinrich or Rocla, two industrial giants with decades of experience—but a holistic solution to help you maximize efficiency and minimize waste. AGVs stabilize labor concerns and free human workers for value-added tasks as they eliminate the damage caused by human error. Our sustainable, battery-operated trucks offer near continuous operation, traceability and dependability, while our simple-to-integrate, scalable solutions help you quickly realize value—plus, our network of 460 North American support locations ensure assistance is quick, local and on-site.